Coding Questions - Dynamic Programming ========================================= General DP solution steps: 1. Think in a divide and conquer way 2. Each sub-step should have overlap between each other 3. Build an eqaution between current step's optimum solution and prev's solution **solution have optimal substructure and overlapped subproblems** #. Wild Card Match *. Recursive Thinking Base Case ? Case * Case which needs to build solution recursively *. Once you have Recursive Solution, you can either Use memoization to improve time complexity Use DP to imporove time complexity *. T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) --> O(2**n) We can reduce the time complexity to polynomial time O(mn)! #. Frog Jump Same as above solution, you can build recursive solution first! #. Unique Ways *. DP: Build one DP and find the relationship between last step and last-1 step *. Combination: There're M+N steps, and we know we will get to the final states, as long as we perform M right move and N down move. Then we can use combination to solve the problem. #. House Robber Solution:: # Recursive class Solution(object): def rob(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ = 0 def helper(idx, nums, curr, robbed): if idx == len(nums): = max(, curr) return if not robbed: helper(idx+1, nums, curr+nums[idx], True) helper(idx+1, nums, curr, False) else: helper(idx+1, nums, curr, False) helper(0, nums, 0, True) helper(0, nums, 0, False) return # DP def rob(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ dp = [0]*(len(nums)+1) for i in range(1, len(nums)+1): dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], dp[i-2]+nums[i-1]) return dp[-1] Robber II: max(rob_line(nums[:-1]), rob_line(nums[1:])) #. Win or Lose #. Longest Subsequence *. Find the recursive structure first *. Convert it into dynamic programming paradigm #. Panlindromic string When it comes to panlindromic string, think in a recursive way, you can check it layer by layer. And when build the DP solution, inner loop is from bottom to the top because of DP[i+1][j-1] #. Buy and Sell Stocks *. If you get a diff array, that's maxium sub-array problem which can be solved in DP or Divide and Conquer *. We can build a 2 Dimensional DP, trick is we don't know how's 1st transaction like thus we need to have additional for loop to check this:: # This is also a great example to reduce time complexity. class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): k = 2 # at most 2 transactions dp = [[0]*(len(prices)+1) for _ in range(k+1)] for i in range(1, k+1): for j in range(1, len(prices)+1): tmpProfit = 0 for pos in range(1, j): tmpProfit = max(tmpProfit, prices[j-1]-prices[pos-1]+dp[i-1][pos]) dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j-1], tmpProfit) return dp[-1][-1] #. Maximum subarray problem #. Knapsack problem #. Build Stairs #. Fibonacci LeetCode 691. Stickers to Spell Word ------------------------------------------- * First thought should be how to solve it using navie method * 2nd thought should be able to find some recusion pattern * 3rd thought should be able to come up with DP optimization solution:: #hello world Knapsack problem - 0/1 Knapsack ----------------------------------- You are the owner of a local store and you have a budget of N to spend on purchasing goods, different suppliers have different bundle options with different prices. You can buy **only one bundle** from each supplier untill the budget is used off. What's your max units you can get using N budget? This is 0/1 knapsack because you either choose or not. * 可以利用一维的**滚动**数组模拟二维数据 另外由于这里由i−1的前面的解j−c[i]推导出i后面的解j,也就是利用一维的数据的话,旧解为前面的解,新解为后面的. 那么就应该让j从大到小进行循环遍历,因为这样第一次接触的到为旧解i−1,新出来的新解j在此次遍历也不会再用到. * 另一个小的常数时间优化 在利用dfs递归求解时,先将物品按照单位价格排好序,单位价格高的靠前,这样如果某个物品超载时,没必要再累积其后面物品的价格, 而是按照该物品的单位价格乘以剩余容量,这样算出的总价格虽然比实际装载的总价格略高些,如果这样略高于实际值的解还低于当前的最优解,则可对后面剪枝,避免多余的计算. Solution and Explaination:: class Solution(object): def knapsack(self, n, bundles, costs): # this is a 0/1 knapsack problem, we can only choose True/False once for each position. # dp[i][j] means the max bundles when we have i choices with j costs. dp = [[0]*(n+1) for _ in range(len(bundles)+1)] for i in range(1, len(bundles)+1): for j in range(1, n+1): if j >= costs[i-1]: dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j-costs[i-1]]+bundles[i-1]) print dp return dp[-1][-1] # although we can compress the space complexity but the time complexity keeps the same # therefore we still have 2 loops. def knapsack_1(self, n, bundles, costs): # dp[j] means the max bundles when we have i choices with j costs. dp = [0]*(n+1) for i in range(1, len(bundles)+1): # each time when we have dp, it keeps last states which is i-1 # Since we have dp[j-costs[i-1]] part, i-1 status will be lost if we update it first, # we need to do it from the end to the front. for j in range(n, -1, -1): if j >= costs[i-1]: dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j-costs[i-1]]+bundles[i-1]) return dp[-1] def beautiful_print(data): if type(data) is list and type(data[0]): for value in data: print value print Solution().knapsack_1(38, [3, 5, 4], [10, 20, 16]) # Below solution is wrong because i didn't consider the ordering! def knapsack_new(self, n, bundles, costs): dp =[(0, 0) for i in range(len(bundles)+1)] for i in range(1, len(bundles)+1): if n-dp[i-1][1] >= costs[i-1]: dp[i] = (dp[i-1][0]+bundles[i-1], dp[i-1][1]+costs[i-1]) if dp[i-1][0]+bundles[i-1] > dp[i-1][0] else dp[i-1] else: dp[i] = dp[i-1] return dp[-1][0] Knapsack problem - Unbounded Knapsack -------------------------------------------- You are the owner of a local store and you have a budget of N to spend on purchasing goods. Different suppliers have different bundle options with different prices. You can buy **as many as bundles** from each supplier untill the budget is used off. What's your max units you can get using N budget? Notation: | Budget : N = 50 | BundleUnits : B = [5, 15, 20] | BundlePrice : P = [5, 10, 15] | MaxUnit : t = (50/10)*15=75 Thoughts: 0/1背包只考虑放与不放进去两种情况,而完全背包要考虑 放0,放1, ···, 放j/w[i] 的情况. The unbonded problem can be converted to 0/1 knapsack problem:: for i in range(1, len(bundles)+1): for j in range(n, -1, -1): tmp = 0 for k in range(1, j/costs[i-1]+1): tmp = max(tmp, dp[i-1][j-k*costs[i-1]] + bundles[i-1]*k) dp[i][j] = max(tmp, dp[i-1][j]) Above solution's time complexity is O(N*len(B)*sum(k)) which is a little high. * A simple optimiazation is to add one more check: if costs[i] < costs[i+1] and bundles[i]>bundles[i+1], then we can skip i+1 case. * Another optimiazation is to divide last item to 0/1 problem using 2 as the base, then the loop goes to O(log(k)) instead of k. 这是二进制的思想. 因为, 不管最优策略选几件第 i 种物品, 其件数写成二进制后, 总可以表示成若干个 2^k 件物品的和. In fact, this problem can be coverted to O(N*len(B)), the only difference is:: dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-costs[i-1]]+bundles[i-1]) Instead of dp[i-1], dp[i] will contain all the possible solutions at i-1 (i'm still confused about this form and haven't found a good way to explain) Try to understand this, i think it makes sense: dp[i][j-1]+v[i]代表至少放了一个第i种物品, 当然它的前提是能放进去(j>=w[i]), 所以dp[i][j]=max{dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j-w[i] ]+v[i]}已经涵盖了一个都不放与至少放一个第i种物品的情况了. LeetCode 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ------------------------------------------------- If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction:: # you can get max profix using one transaction in O(n) class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): buy = float('inf') sell = 0 for i in range(len(prices)): buy = min(buy, prices[i]) sell = max(sell, prices[i]-buy) return sell LeetCode 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II ------------------------------------------------------- You may complete as many transactions as you like:: class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): # the idea is to capture every profit. # you can sell and buy immediately at the same day profit = 0 for i in range(1, len(prices)): if prices[i]>prices[i-1]: profit += prices[i]-prices[i-1] return profit LeetCode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III and IV ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a standard DP solution, i think the hardest part to come up with the DP helper array, **DP[i][j] means the profit you have at j with i transactions** The state function is simple and you need to use the temp variable to reduce complexity:: class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): if len(prices) < 2: return 0 # the 3rd inner loop to check each position and find max profit is unnecessary # we can try to use a tmp variable to reduce the time complexity k = 2 if len(prices) < 2: return 0 # k is big enougth to cover all ramps. if k >= len(prices) / 2: return sum(i - j for i, j in zip(prices[1:], prices[:-1]) if i - j > 0) dp = [[0] * (len(prices) + 1) for _ in range(k + 1)] # this means the max profit with k transctions. for i in range(1, k+1): # initial tmpMaxProfit = dp[i - 1][0] - prices[0] # use this varaible to get the profit at each transctions for j in range(1, len(prices)+1): # dp[i][j] 1> dp[i][j-1] # 2> for m in range(j-1]: # prices[j-1] + dp[i-1][m] - prices[m] # Explaination: 1> we used up all transactions before last stock 2> we leave the last transaction to j-1, we need to find the max profit we can make within (1, j-1] # Since we are already checking all positions and 2> can be transformed to prices[j-1] + {dp[i-1] - prices[m]} for m in range(1, j) # Then we can reduce the for loop to one variable. # Trick is, the prev buy choice could be any price before j-1, thus you have to check or find the max local # and that would be your new value, then use tmpMaxProfit # tmpMaxProfit = dp[i-1][j] - prices[j-1]: use one variable to reduce the loop dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j - 1], tmpMaxProfit + prices[j-1]) tmpMaxProfit = max(tmpMaxProfit, dp[i - 1][j] - prices[j-1]) # initial for next level return dp[-1][-1] LeetCode 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown -------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't worry, you can try to use the Brute Force to solve it first:: class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): # Solution 1: # enumerate all the possible solutions and check for the max value # Each position has 3 ways to do: O(3**n) # Solution 2: # Record max PROFIT value for each state # hold[i] = max(hold[i-1], res[i-1]-prices[i]) - hold previous or buy current # sold[i] = hold[i-1] + prices[i] - sell current # rest[i] = max(res[i-1], sold[i-1]) # return max(sold[i], rest[i]) sold = 0 rest = 0 hold = float('-inf') for price in prices: prev = sold hold = max(hold, rest-price) sold = hold + price rest = max(rest, prev) return max(rest, sold) # Solution 3: # Record max PROFIT value for each state # sell[i] - PROFIT when sell at day i # cooldown[i] - PROFIT when day i is cooldown if not prices or len(prices)<2: return 0 n = len(prices) sell = [0]*n cool = [0]*n sell[1] = prices[1]-prices[0] for i in range(2, n): cool[i] = max(sell[i-1], cool[i-1]) sell[i] = prices[i] - prices[i-1] + max(sell[i-1], cool[i-2]) return max(sell[-1], cool[-1]) LeetCode 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution:: class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices, fee): # Solution 1: # enumerate all the possible solutions and check for the max value # Each position has 2 ways to do: O(2**n) # Solution 2: # Similar to with cooldown problem, we can use 2 arrays to record the state. # buy[i] - PROFIT when we buy at day i BUY or NOT # sell[i] - PROFIT when we sell at day i SELL or NOT buy = [0] * len(prices) sell = [0] * len(prices) buy[0] = - prices[0] sell[0] = 0 for i in range(1, len(prices)): buy[i] = max(sell[i-1]-prices[i], buy[i-1]) # you have to sell before buy sell[i] = max(buy[i-1]+prices[i]-fee, sell[i-1]) return sell[-1] Leetcode 53. Maximum Subarray ------------------------------------ This is a very basic problem which can be used to help you understand the following concepts: # Divide and Conquer # DP solution # DP solution with minimum space complexity DP Solution:: dp = [0]*(len(nums)+1) for i in range(1, len(nums)+1): dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], dp[i-1]+nums[i-1]) return dp[-1] This is my initial thought, however, this equation doesn't meet the requirement of continous subarray. Keeping the condition in mind then we can reformat the condition a little bit: | DP[i] means the maximum subarray that **ends at position i** The code should look like this:: def maxSubArray(self, nums): dp = [float('-inf')]*(len(nums)+1) for i in range(1, len(nums)+1): dp[i] = max(nums[i-1], dp[i-1]+nums[i-1]) return max(dp) If you want to reduce the space complexity, you can replace the DP array with 2 variables. Optimized DP solution:: def maxSubArray(self, nums): maxEnding = float('-inf') globalMax = float('-inf') for i in range(len(nums)): maxEnding = max(nums[i], maxEnding+nums[i]) globalMax = max(globalMax, maxEnding) return globalMax