LeetCode 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

In order to apply the recursive solution:
  1. Find the pattern that’s repeative
  2. Think about the return type (return value or update a global variable)
  3. Come up with the Base case
  4. Add more conditions to the base case


def evalRPN(self, tokens):
    if not tokens:
        return 0

    def helper(tokens):
        if tokens and tokens[-1] not in ('+', '-', '/', '*'):
            return int(tokens.pop())
            op = tokens.pop()
            right = helper(tokens)
            left = helper(tokens)

            if op == '+':
                return left + right
            elif op == '-':
                return left - right
            elif op == '*':
                return left*right
            elif op == '/':
                return int(float(left)/right)

    return helper(tokens)

Stack solution Link__ http://scriptasylum.com/tutorials/infix_postfix/algorithms/postfix-evaluation/

def evalRPN(self, tokens):
    stack = []
    for t in tokens:
        if t not in ["+", "-", "*", "/"]:
            r, l = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
            if t == "+":
            elif t == "-":
            elif t == "*":
                # here take care of the case like "1/-22",
                # in Python 2.x, it returns -1, while in
                # Leetcode it should return 0
    return stack.pop()

LeetCode 241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses


def diffWaysToCompute(self, input):
    :type input: str
    :rtype: List[int]
    if input.isdigit():
        return [int(input)]
    res = []
    for i in range(len(input)):
        op = input[i]
        if op in ('+', '-', '*'):
            left = self.diffWaysToCompute(input[:i])
            right = self.diffWaysToCompute(input[i+1:])

            for i in left:
                for j in right:
                    res.append(self.ops[op](i, j))
    return res

LeetCode 224. Basic Calculator I II III IV

  1. Parenthesis would make everything more complex
  2. Without Parenthesis, the basic operator can be handled in one stack or one call with prev&curr variables
  3. Parenthesis can be treated using Stack or Recusion call
  4. We can use 2 stack solution to cover all possible cases!


def calculate(self, s):
    def helper(s, curr_pos):
        # we need 2 values before and after the Operator
        # we also need one variable to record the curr idx
        res = 0
        curr = 0
        op = 1
        i = curr_pos
        # since i is changing between different levels, we will use while instead of for
        while i < len(s):
            if s[i].isdigit():
                curr = curr*10 + int(s[i])
            elif s[i] == '+':
                res += op*curr
                op = 1
                curr = 0
            elif s[i] == '-':
                res += op*curr
                op = -1
                curr = 0
            elif s[i] == '(':
                val, i = helper(s, i + 1)
                res += op*val
                op = 1
            elif s[i] == ')':
                res += op*curr
                curr_pos = i
            i += 1
        return res, curr_pos

    return helper('(' + s + ')', 0)[0]


For general purpose, just convert all the operators into Reversive Polish Notation:

class Solution(object):
    def evalRPN(self, tokens):
        if not tokens:
            return 0

        def helper(tokens):
            if tokens and tokens[-1] not in ('+', '-', '/', '*'):
                return int(tokens.pop())
                op = tokens.pop()
                right = helper(tokens)
                left = helper(tokens)

                if op == '+':
                    return left + right
                elif op == '-':
                    return left - right
                elif op == '*':
                    return left*right
                elif op == '/':
                    return int(float(left)/right)

        return helper(tokens)

    def calculate(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        def rank(op):
            if op == '+':
                return 1
            elif op == '-':
                return 1
            elif op == '*':
                return 2
            elif op == '/':
                return 2
                return 0

        def convertRPN(s):
            output = [] # output queue
            stack = [] # operator stack
            i = 0
            while i < len(s):
                char = s[i]
                if char.isdigit():
                    j = i+1
                    while j < len(s) and s[j].isdigit():
                        j += 1
                    num = s[i:j]
                    i = j
                elif char == ' ':
                    i += 1
                elif char == '(':
                    i += 1
                elif char == ')':
                    # keep pushing the stack
                    while stack and stack[-1] != '(':
                    stack.pop() # remove '('
                    i += 1
                    op = s[i]
                    while stack and rank(op) <= rank(stack[-1]):
                    i += 1

            while stack:

            return output

        return self.evalRPN(convertRPN(s))

LeetCode 282. Expression Add Operators

Similar to Basic calculator, you need to construct a recursive call to construct all path from top to bottom:

class Solution(object):
    def addOperators(self, num, target):
        :type num: str
        :type target: int
        :rtype: List[str]

        def helper(nums, path, prev, sofar, target, res):
            if not nums and sofar == target:

            for i in range(1, len(nums)+1):
                val = nums[:i]
                if i == 1 or (i > 1 and nums[0] != "0"):
                    helper(nums[i:], path + '+' + val, int(val), sofar + int(val), target, res)
                    helper(nums[i:], path + '-' + val, -int(val), sofar - int(val), target, res)
                    helper(nums[i:], path + '*' + val, prev*int(val), sofar - prev + prev*int(val), target, res)

        res = []
        for i in range(1, len(num)+1):
            if len(num[:i]) != len(str(int(num[:i]))):
            helper(num[i:], num[:i], int(num[:i]), int(num[:i]), target, res)

        return res

LeetCode 679. 24 Game

My own solution:

class Solution(object):
    def judgePoint24(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool

        def dfs(nums, path):
            if len(nums) == 1 and nums[0] == 24:
            for i in range(len(nums)):
                remaining = nums[:i] + nums[i+1:]
                remaining_path = path[:i] + path[i+1:]
                for j in range(len(remaining)):
                    dfs(remaining[:j] + remaining[j + 1:] + [nums[i] + remaining[j]], remaining_path[:j] + remaining_path[j+1:] + ['('+str(path[i]) + '+'+str(remaining_path[j]) + ')'])
                    dfs(remaining[:j] + remaining[j + 1:] + [nums[i] * remaining[j]], remaining_path[:j] + remaining_path[j+1:] + [str(path[i]) + '*'+str(remaining_path[j])])
                    dfs(remaining[:j] + remaining[j + 1:] + [nums[i] - remaining[j]], remaining_path[:j] + remaining_path[j+1:] + ['('+str(path[i]) + '-'+str(remaining_path[j]) + ')'])
                    if float(remaining[j]) == 0:
                    dfs(remaining[:j] + remaining[j + 1:] + [float(nums[i]) / float(remaining[j])], remaining_path[:j] + remaining_path[j+1:] + [str(path[i]) + '/'+str(remaining_path[j])])

        res = []
        path = [str(num) for num in nums]
        dfs(nums, path)
        return res